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Fuel for Thought Leaders

Stories, strategies, and skills to elevate your craft.

Building a Strong Speak Up Culture for Business Success

Harness the power of a speak up culture to gain a competitive advantage in today’s economy.

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Resource Hub

Explore a curated selection of articles, guides, and insights tailored to life-sciences professionals.

From Concept to Brilliance: Unleash Your Best Ideas with Design Thinking

Use these five powerful steps from design thinking to unlock more creative solutions and stronger customer relationships.

From Nervous to Natural: 7 Practical Tips to Master the Art of Impromptu Speaking

Learn how to speak off the cuff using impromptu speaking and reduce presentation anxiety with these 7 pragmatic tips.

Leadership Storytelling: Evolving from team to culture

Learning to harness storytelling is one of the most powerful things leaders can do to start creating a shared culture in their teams and inspiring them to action.

How to Have Difficult Conversations: Taming the Elephant in the Room

Learn to embrace dialogue and turn disagreements into healthy boundaries with opportunities to grow. Understand these three stages of holding difficult conversations to start turning tension into trust today!

How To Handle A Bully in a Meeting

Can you think of someone who talks through meetings, claims credit, interrupts, and speaks over others? We’ve got some tips to manage those situations to help you feel more assertive – and less stampeded.

Build Your Confidence in the Workplace: The Power of Speaking Up

It isn’t always easy to speak up — for our own needs or someone else’s — but in some cases, speaking up can improve a situation. Worse, not speaking up could lead to a massive breakdown in communication, not to mention our confidence. We owe it to ourselves, our colleagues, and those we’re most trying to help (patients and caregivers) to learn how to speak up when it counts.

The Power of Storytelling: Selling the Future of Medicine

How to use the power of storytelling to build shared belief around healthcare innovation and the future of medicine.

How to Hold Candid Conversations with Your Team: The Art of Radical Candor

Get on board the new collaborative management movement and use radical candor to influence a healthy feedback style on your team. Here’s three tools you need to get started today!

How to Coach a Team of Incredibly Smart Introverts to Sell Their Ideas

Do you need your highly intelligent team of introverts to sell their ideas and build stronger relationships?